Plateup update

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Trainer Maker
Staff member
Trainer Makers
Will we ever get an update to the plateup trainer?
I tested it last month and it was working fine and therefore the request was removed. Now it is at 9/15 votes again, so not sure what is going on.


It was on game pass when it came out and the trainer was working fine but the game got an update to 2.1.0 and the trainer doesn't work for it now. It will only have activated trainer, but you can't click on the others to activate.


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Trainer Maker
Staff member
Trainer Makers
It was on game pass when it came out and the trainer was working fine but the game got an update to 2.1.0 and the trainer doesn't work for it now. It will only have activated trainer, but you can't click on the others to activate.
Ah I see, so the game updated recently?

I had no idea it was on game pass, if it has enough votes in the app I will update it soon.


It's been like a month or so since it was updated, I was the one who used my voting for the request to get it updated before.


Trainer Maker
Staff member
Trainer Makers
Also thanks you're the only one that have a plate up trainer for Xbox MS, so I hope the trainer gets more votes to update.
I will download it tomorrow and check it out then, maybe it's because I was using the steam version.


Trainer Maker
Staff member
Trainer Makers
Bad news I'm afraid, the game has switched from Mono to il2cpp so it requires a completely new trainer.

Edit: I've managed to replicate the majority of the trainer but I cannot manage something for money as of yet - much more difficult now.
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Trainer Maker
Staff member
Trainer Makers
Oh, I mean I'm fine if the other cheats work the money cheat isn't that important to me.
Trainer is released, enjoy.

If you need to discuss this trainer more then please use the discussion thread for that game.
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